
A little Help Please...

So here is one for the books. A moment of seriousness in this crazy blog.

My family is going through a really rough time. My mom has been disabled for the last 10 months due to a fall she took. She landed in a rock garden she had put together around our fish pond and hit her face in three places; nearly breaking her nose and about an inch away from hitting her eye socket. She has been unable to read, drive, and basically live a normal life day to day. One day she feels fine and the next she is sick all day from nausea and dizziness from performing everyday activities.

Her doctor has been instructing her to rest and she will get better, to not push it, and she will get better. She continued to write her off of work so she could collect disability payments. Well, her short term disability is up in 2 months. She had asked her doctor 6 months ago if she thought the damage would be permanent and if she needed to look into getting her social security payments from the state. Her doctor said no, keep resting, it will get better.
Now that she only has 2 months left, she has brought this issue up with her doctor once again. Informing her that she needs proof for the social security office to show she is disabled and needs to collect her Social Security. Her doctor said she can't do that. And because her doctor did no MRI testing, Or IQ tests to show the damage, my mom can't collect her social security.

Her next step is to get an attorny and fight her doctor.
This has really put some stress on my family because even if she does win the case her payments each month from her social security will only be ablout $800. Not enough to live on. So she has decided to sell all her belongings, and move in with family members. A few months with one, a few with another until she can figure out a long term plan.
Being unemployed myself, I can't help much financially because I am struggling to keep my head above water as well.

Her house needs a few repairs done on it before she can move out and rent it to our friends who just so happened to be looking for a home.
She had to spend $300 dollars today to fix a leaky pipe in the backyard. They had to take a chunk of the stucko out to repair it and now the hole still remains. If anyone would be willing to ask around for people who could repair it for real cheap or just as a favor that would really help.

We also have 3 dogs that need homes. One of which is mine and I would rather not get rid of her so I am looking for anyone who might be able to take her in for a few months. She is a 4 year old white chihuahua. The others ones are a male miniture pinscher about 8 years old, and a female sheperd mix, about 5 years old. All of them are great dogs. Any help would be much appreciated.

This has really hit us hard and my family is doing the best we can to help our mom out.

Please email me with any suggestions on anyone who is hiring for me, or who know s a good attorney for my mom, every bit helps!

You can contact me at o0chelle0o@aol.com


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