
Madonna @ Petco Park

The girls and I were able to head up the Legend to catch a peek of Madonna's show she held at Petco Park last night. Madonna is the second performer to ever play at Petco, following The Rolling Stones. The show was massive and the park was completely packed. The line for entry passed Active Rideshop and went approximately 5 blocks down 7th ave. Madonna was all about Obama's win...his acceptance speech was aired on the big screen and right when he was done she made her appearance on stage. Here's a clip of her announcing his win...

Werd up!

Goodness, she's the shit.


Change We Can Believe In

Barack Obama,

Bumsville loves you.


we have made history ladies & gents...this is a good day!


i watch too much t.v.

check out the new guitar hero commercials....

heidi klum is sooooo cute!!!

definetly commercials to watch over and over....and over!


Yelle @ Beauty Bar

Nothing but deliciousness.
Yelle definately knows how to put on a show.

we're all screamen bunch of gibberish. haha.
good end to a good weekend.



Halloween Weekend

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween Weekend! Twas some good times at House of Blues...it was nice seeing most of your beautiful faces...for those who we didn't get to see, we partied with you in spirit and can't wait til the next time we finally get to play.

I know everyone's waiting to bum some pics...so here they areee....From the morning of Halloween until the next day during breakfast at Zanzibar. Good times.

Terry's face when she tries to scare you by saying, "boo". Barely convincing.

Costume possibility?
Prepping for the rest of the day to come.
Terry the stylist, costume designer, hair designer, etc, etc.

Before After


Speed Racer x Chippendale
"Are you a blood?!" "No! I'm a chipmunk!" Alvin.

Scooby Doo
Ron, our favorite photographer

Yours truely...

Roxanne x Feli Fels x Bumsville
Mike Ironz

Sexy shower man.
Go Speed Racer, Go.
Birthday girl, Judy.


Duck Tales

November 01, 2008
Zanzibar Cafe . Downtown SD

Next morning pow wow.

SD's finest story teller.
So happy about his food.
Whatcha drinken over there Terry??
After breakfast we all took a walk over to Blends for a quick hello.

Ah, life is good when things ain't a bitch.
Happy Halloween!
